Unlock the Hidden Realms

Join our LIVE Introduction to Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming Workshop for a mesmerizing exploration of the boundless potential of your mind! Get ready for a transformative experience that will leave you captivated and eager to dive into the world of dreams and consciousness.

What Would You Be Doing if There Was No Chance of Failure

What Would You Choose To Do… If There Was No Chance that You Would Fail… Is Failure Not An Illusion… We Were Prescribed…. So that We Would Never Try… Anything Other than What We Were Conditioned to Believe … As the Definition Of Success… So that We Would Stay In Our Nests In the Highest…

Breathwork Online – Book Now!

Powerful, Transformative Join us for an online breathwork journey. Platform: Zoom About Diaphragmatic breathing is a powerful, profound and transformative experience that has been shown to have significant physical, psychological and spiritual benefits. Activates the Vagus Nerve switching on the body’s parasympathetic nervous system Reduces stress Alkalises the body Provides access to inner wisdom, innate intelligence…

Join Sigrid Pearce from Light Attendance live from Giza

Discussing Consciousness Saturday 4th December15:00 Cairo Time Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/83837794192?pwd=cGhqOGN6TTZPWk9kYktQM2RhZEZyUT09 Meeting ID: 838 3779 4192Passcode: 442891One tap mobile+27214268190,,83837794192#,,,,442891# South Africa +27214268191,,83837794192#,,,,442891# South Africa Dial by your location        +27 21 426 8190 South Africa        +27 21 426 8191 South Africa        +27 87 550 3946 South Africa        +27 87 551 7702 South Africa        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)        +1 346 248 7799…

Experience the Lucia N°03 Pyramid for the first time in Egypt.

Would you like to experience something that you have never thought to experience before? We love to accompany you and your companions. The unique offer at the Giza Event Dec 2021 1 – Light Sessions with the new Lucia N°03 Pyramid2 – Light Sessions without the Lucia N°03 Pyramid3 – Private Light Sessions4 – Group…

Lucia N.03 – Accessing Expanded States Of Consciousness

What Mystery Lies Beyond the Conditioning of Our Mind… The Lucia Lamp N.03 was developed by Neurologist Dr. Dirk Proeckl and Psychiatrist Dr. Winkler. Light from the device travels through closed eyelids to the Pineal Gland located in the cetre of the brain and believed to be the seat if higher consciousness. Sessions with the…